Greek mythology tells that Attis was a handsome young man, chosen by the goddess Cibeles to care for her religious cult in exchange for swearing chastity and celibacy forever. However, Attis fell madly in love with a nymph named Sangarida and broke his oath. Cibeles punished Sangarida and made Attis crazy, who mutilated himself. Grieving by the event, Cibeles resurrected Attis by turning him into a pine tree as a symbol of the great mother nature.”
Following the family tradition and history of ATTIS Bodega y Viñedos, the Fariña brothers have expanded their philosophy of working with authentic, artisanal, indigenous varieties. Together with their longtime collaborator, Jean-François Hébrard, in 2019 they embarked upon a new project in Bierzo that was born together with Robustiano Fariña’s daughter, Lía, who brings together her father’s roots in Rias Baixas and her mother’s in El Bierzo.
The mythology of ATTIS is now transported to this neighboring wine region. Sangarida is a daring project, in style and image, that highlights ATTIS’ overflowing creativity that traversed the mountains of Leon to find its second home.